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How to Set Up Spam Filters in cPanel?

If you’re tired of receiving spam emails and want to set up filters to keep them out of your inbox, cPanel has tools that can help. Follow these simple steps to set up spam filters.

  1. Log into cPanel: Open your web browser and go to your cPanel login page. Enter your username and password in order for logging in.
  2.  Access Spam Filters
    Once you're logged into cPanel, find the section labeled "Email".In the Email section, click on "Spam Filters". This tool helps you manage and reduce spam emails.
  3.  Enable Spam Filters     
    1. Turn On Spam Filters: If the spam filters are not already enabled, you will see a button to "Enable Spam Filters". Click this button.
    2. Automatic Spam Filtering: Once enabled, cPanel will automatically filter spam emails based on predefined rules.
  4. Configure Spam Settings
    Adjust Spam Threshold: The spam threshold determines how aggressive the filtering is. The default setting is usually a good start, but you can adjust it:
    1. Lower numbers make the filter more aggressive (catch more spam).
    2. Higher numbers make the filter less aggressive (allow more emails through).
    3. Auto-Delete Spam: If you want spam emails to be automatically deleted, you can enable the "Automatically Delete New Spam (Auto-Delete)" option. Be cautious, as this can sometimes delete emails that are not spam.
  5.  Create Custom Spam Filters
    1. Add Spam Score Settings: Click on "Spam Threshold Score" if you want to adjust how spam is scored.
    2. Custom Filters: For more control, you can create custom filters:
      Click on "Filters".
      Click "Create a New Filter".
  6. Name your filter
    Set the Rules for your filter (e.g., "From" contains "example.com").
    Set the Actions (e.g., "Discard Message" or "Move to Folder").
  7.  Whitelist and Blacklist Addresses
    1. Configure Whitelist (Allow List): To ensure emails from certain senders are never marked
      as spam, add them to your whitelist
    2.  Click on "Show Additional Configurations".
    3.  Add email addresses or domains to the box labeled "Whitelist (Emails Always Allowed)".
    4. Configure Blacklist (Block List): To block emails from specific senders, add them to your blacklist.
    5. Add email addresses or domains to the box labeled "Blacklist (Emails Always Blocked)" section.
  8. Test and monitor
    Check your spam or trash folder regularly to ensure that important emails are not incorrectly categorized as spam.Adjust settings as needed. If you see that too many or too few emails are being screened, return to the Spam Filters area and change the settings.

By following these instructions, you may set up and fine-tune spam filters in cPanel, which will help keep junk emails out of your inbox.
