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How to Set Up Site Quality Monitoring in cPanel?

Site Quality Monitoring is a strong and user-friendly function for tracking and monitoring your website's performance and health. It delivers real-time information about your website's
availability, uptime, performance, SEO, content, technical, and security parameters. This information can help you discover and resolve any issues before they affect your visitors and harm your website's reputation.

  1. Log in to cPanel
    Start by logging into your cPanel accountby entering your username and password.
  2. Access the Site Quality Monitoring Portal
    1. Go to cPanel's Metrics section and select Site Quality Monitoring.
    2. Add your website. Select your website's URL from the list of options.
    3. Sign up for Site Quality Monitoring:you have to finish the sign-up procedure if youhaven't previously. This requires providing the information about your website and accepting the terms of service.
    4. Review your Website Quality Rating: Examine the quality rating of your website: To see the audited website's scores, click on the monitored domain.
    5.  A summary of your website rating will now appear.Pick what you want from the menu on the left.. This picture displays a summary of our test website with a perfect score across all settings that were examined.
  3. The Advantages of Site Quality Monitoring
    For website owners, Site Quality Monitoring provides a number of advantages, such as:
    1. Proactive problem detection: Find and address problems with your website before they become a problem for your visitors.
    2. Increasing website performance: Result in a faster and more responsive website and a better user experience.
    3. Optimising for search engines: Improve your website's search engine optimization to rank better in search results.
    4. Maintaining website security: Identify and resolve potential security problems.
    5. Guaranteeing website uptime: Make assured that visitors can access your website at all times.

By following these steps, you can effectively set up site quality monitoring in cPanel to ensure your website remains reliable, performs well, and delivers a positive user experience.
