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How to Set Up Hotlink Protection in cPanel?

Hotlink protection helps prevent other websites from directly linking to your files (like images, videos, or documents) and using your bandwidth. Here’s how to set it up in cPanel:

  1. Log in to cPanel
    Login to your cPanel login page by entering your username and password, by clicking the "Log in" button in the cPanel dashboard.
  2. Go to the Security Section
    Look for the "Security" section on your cPanel dashboard. Click on "Hotlink Protection."
  3. Enable Hotlink Protection
    Click the "Enable" button if Hotlink Protection is not already enabled.
  4. Configure Allowed URLs
    Add the URLs of the websites you want to allow to hotlink your content in the "URLs to allow access" field. Typically, you should include your own domain and any subdomains. Separate multiple URLs with commas or list them on separate lines.
  5. Specify Blocked Extensions
    List the file types you want to protect (e.g., .jpg, .png, .pdf) in the "Block direct access for the following extensions" field.Separate extensions with commas.
  6. Redirect Blocked Requests
    Optionally, you can set a redirect URL for blocked requests. Enter the URL to which you want to redirect users who try to hotlink your files. This step is optional but can be useful for directing users to your own website.
  7. Save your settings
    Click "Submit" to ensure that your settings are saved. Hotlink protection has been set up and turned on now.

These instructions will walk you through setting up Hotlink Protection in cPanel to protect your  files and ensure other websites do not misuse your bandwidth.
