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How to Set Up Errors in cPanel?

When managing a website, it's crucial to monitor and fix any errors that occur. cPanel makes this easy by providing a feature called "Errors." This tool logs all the error messages that your website generates, helping you identify and resolve issues quickly. Here’s how you can set up and use the "Errors" feature in cPanel:

  1. Log into cPanel
    Open your web browser and enter your cPanel  username and password to log in.
  2. Find the "Errors" Section
    Once you're logged into cPanel, you will see a variety of icons. Look for the section called "Metrics." This is usually towards the middle or bottom of the page. Click on the "Errors" icon. This will take you to the Errors page.
  3. View Your Website's Errors
    On the Errors page, you will see a list of recent error messages generated by your website. These error messages provide information about issues such as broken links, missing files, or
    problems with your scripts. Each error message includes the date and time it occurred, the type of error, and the specific page or file that caused the error.
  4. Understanding Error Messages
    1. 404 Not Found: This error indicates that a visitor tried to access a page that did not exist on your website. Check if the URL is correct, or if the page has been moved or deleted.
    2. 500 Internal Server Error: This is a frequent error message indicating that something went wrong with the server. It could be a coding error or a problem with the server's settings.
    3. 403 Forbidden: This error indicates that the server is refusing to perform the request. This could be attributed to file permissions or security settings.
  5. Fixing Errors
    Review the error messages to figure out what went wrong. If you receive 404 errors, see if the files or pages are still available and fix any broken links. Examine the coding of your website or get assistance from your hosting company if you see 500 errors. Verify that the file permissions are set correctly in order to address 403 errors.
  6. Monitor Regularly
    Make it a habit to check the Errors section regularly. By monitoring this section, you can quickly identify and fix issues, ensuring your website runs smoothly.

By following these steps, you can easily set up and use the "Errors" feature in cPanel to keep your website running efficiently. Regular monitoring and prompt fixes will help you provide a
better experience for your visitors and keep your site in top shape.
