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How to Set Up Dynamic DNS in cPanel?

Dynamic DNS allows your domain to automatically update its DNS records when your IP address changes.This is especially useful for home networks with dynamic IP addresses. Follow the below steps for setting up Dynamic DNS in cPanel.

  1. Log in to cPanel
    Login to your cPanel login page by entering your username and password, by clicking the "Log in" button in the cPanel dashboard.
  2. Locate the Dynamic DNS Section
    On your cPanel dashboard, locate the "Domains" section after logging in. Select the "Zone Editor" or "Dynamic DNS" icon. If you don't see "Dynamic DNS," it might be included under "Zone Editor."
  3. Create a Dynamic DNS Record
    To add a new DDNS record, click "Create" or "Add Record" in the Dynamic DNS section. Choose the type of record you want to create. Typically, you'll use an A Record to point to an IP address.
  4. Enter Record Details
    1. Name: Enter the subdomain you want to use for Dynamic DNS (e.g., "ddns.yourdomain.com").This is the address that will be regularly updated.
    2. TTL: Time to Live, which tells how long the record should be cached. Use the default value if you're not sure.
    3. Type: Select "A" for an A Record.
    4. Address: Enter your current IP address. This will be updated automatically later, but youneed to enter it initially.
  5. Set Up the Update URL
    After creating the record, you need to set up the URL that will be used to update the IP address. cPanel will provide a unique update URL for your DDNS record.Save this URL, as you'll need it to update your IP address automatically.
  6.  Configure Your Router or Device
    1. Log in to your router's web interface or the device you want to use for updating the DDNS record.
    2. Look for the Dynamic DNS (DDNS) settings. This is usually found under network settings or advanced settings.
    3. Enter the update URL you got from cPanel into the DDNS configuration on your router or device.
    4. Save your settings. Your router or device will now use this URL to update your IP address whenever it changes.
  7. Test the Setup
    To ensure everything is working, you can manually change your IP address (if possible) or wait for it to change naturally. After changing the IP address, make sure the DDNS subdomain (e.g., "ddns.yourdomain.com") corresponds to the new IP address. You can use online DNS lookup tools to verify that the DNS record updates correctly