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How to Set Up BoxTrapper in cPanel?

BoxTrapper is a tool in cPanel that helps reduce spam by requiring email senders to verify themselves before their messages are delivered to your inbox.Here's a simple and effective guide to get it set up:

  1. Log into cPanel : You should already be logged into your cPanel account. If not, log in using your username and
    password provided by your hosting provider.
  2. Find BoxTrapper: Scroll down to the “Email” section in the cPanel dashboard. Look for the “BoxTrapper” icon and click on it.
  3. Select the Email Account: You will be able to view a list of all your email accounts. Click on the email address you want to enable BoxTrapper for.
  4. Enable BoxTrapper: On the BoxTrapper settings page for your selected email, find the “Enable” button and click it.
    This turns on BoxTrapper for this email account.
  5. Configure the BoxTrapper Settings : After you've enabled BoxTrapper, you'll need to configure the options. Click "Manage" next to
    the email address. You can set up many settings here, including the whitelist, blacklist, and ignore lists.
  6. Set Up the Whitelist: Click on the "Edit Whitelist" button.
    Add domains or email addresses that you want to receive emails from without needing to verify them.To whitelist a certain address, use example@example.com. To add a domain to your
    whitelist, simply use @example.com. Save the changes.
  7. Set Up the Blacklist
    Click on the “Edit Blacklist” button.
    Add domain names or email addresses that you want to entirely block. You won't receive any emails from these addresses in your inbox. Save the changes.
  8.  Set up the Ignore List : Click the "Edit Ignore List" button.
    Add the email addresses or domains that you want BoxTrapper to ignore. These senders' emails will not receive a verification request and will thus not be delivered. Save your changes.
  9. Customize the Verification Messages: Click on “Edit Confirmation Messages” to change the automated messages sent to unverified
    senders. Customize these messages if you want them to have a specific tone or additional information.
    Make sure to save any changes.
  10. Adjusting BoxTrapper Logs to Save Space : As previously said, BoxTrapper logs can quickly grow to be rather large, depending on how
    much traffic your email account receives. You can help fix this by specifying how long BoxTrapper will preserve mail logs on the server.
  11. To set this up: Ensure proper security for your email by selecting "Configure Settings" on the BoxTrapper
    configuration page. BoxTrapper: Configure Settings