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How to Set Up Autoresponders in cPanel?

Follow these steps for setting up automated email responses:

  1. Log in to cPanel
    Login to your cPanel login page by entering your username and password, by clicking the "Log in" button in the cPanel dashboard.
  2. Find the Email Section
    Once on the cPanel dashboard, go to the "Email" option.
  3. Select autoresponders
    In the Email area, click on the "Autoresponders" icon.
  4. Add an autoresponder
    To add an autoresponder, go to the Autoresponders page and choose the "Add Autoresponder"
    option. Enter the autoresponder details:
    1. Character set: Typically, you may leave it as is (UTF-8).
    2. Interval: Set an interval in hours between responses to the same email address.
    3. Email: Enter the email address for whom you want to set up an autoresponder.
    4. From: Type in the name you want to appear in the "From" field of the response.
    5. Subject: Enter the subject line for your autoresponder email.
    6. Body: Type in the message you want to be sent automatically.This may include greetings,
      facts, and other elements.
  5. Set the time frame (optional): Set the start and stop dates and times if you want the autoresponder to run for a specified amount of time.
  6. Create the Autoresponder: After filling in all the details, click the "Create/Modify" button to set up your autoresponder.

Your autoresponder is now set up and will automatically reply to emails according to the settings you specified. If you need to change or delete it later, you can return to the Autoresponders page and make the necessary adjustments.
