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How to Manage my Databases in cPanel?


Managing your databases in cPanel is crucial for website functionality. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Log in to cPanel
    Log in to cPanel using your username and password.
  2. Locate the Databases section
    Once in the cPanel dashboard, navigate to the find the "Databases" section. Click on "MySQL Databases" to see existing databases.
  3. Creating a New Database
    Scroll down to "Create New Database." Enter a name for your database and click "Create Database."
  4. Adding a Database User
    After creating your database, you need a user who can access it. Below "MySQL Users," add a new user.Generate a strong password and click "Create User."
  5. Connecting the User to the Database
    Next, connect the user to the database. In the "Add User to Database" section, choose the user and database you just created from the drop-down boxes. Click "Add."
  6. Setting User Privileges
    Once the user has been added to the database, you will be requested to set the user's privileges. These privileges specify what the user can do with the database. For most purposes,
    pick "All Privileges" to grant the user complete power over the database. Then, click "Make Changes."
  7. Using phpMyAdmin for Advanced Management
    For more detailed management of your database, go back to the cPanel dashboard and click on "phpMyAdmin." This tool lets you interact directly with your database, run SQL queries,
    import/export data, and more. To start managing your database, select it from the left sidebar in   phpMyAdmin.
  8. Backing Up Your Database
    It’s important to regularly back up your database to avoid data loss. In cPanel, go to the "Backup" section. Click on "Download a MySQL Database Backup" and select the database
    youwant to back up. Save the backup file to your computer.