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How to create Your Default Address in cPanel?

If you manage your website through cPanel, you may want to specify a default email address to handle any emails received to addresses that do not exist on your domain. Follow the below listed steps for creating Default Address in cPanel:

  1. Log into cPanel: Open your web browser and go to your cPanel login page. Enter your username and password in order for logging in.
  2. Find the Email Section: Once you’re in the cPanel dashboard, look for the section labeled "Email." It usually has icons like "Email Accounts" and "Forwarders."
  3. Click on Default Address: In the Email section, click on the icon or link that says "Default Address." This is where you’ll set the email address for all unrouted mail.
  4. Choose Your Domain: If you have more than one domain, select the domain you want to set the default address for from the dropdown menu.
  5. Set the Default Address: You’ll see a few options. Select "Forward to Email Address" and then enter the email address where you want all the unrouted mail to go. This could be an
    existing email address you use.
  6. Save Your Settings: Click on the "Change" button to save your new default address settings.

Any email sent to an incorrect address on your domain will now be routed to the provided email address. This helps ensure you don’t miss important messages.
