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How to Access Webaliser in cPanel?

Webalizer is a powerful tool in cPanel that helps you analyze your website’s traffic. It gives you detailed statistics about the visitors to your website, including how many people visit, where they come from, and what pages they look at. If you want to analyze your website's traffic using Webalizer, here’s a simple guide to help you out.

  1. Log In to cPanel
    Login to your cPanel login page by entering your username and password, by clicking the "Log in" button in the cPanel dashboard.
  2. Find the Webalizer Tool
    Go to the "Metrics" section by scrolling down from your cPanel main page. Click on “Webalizer”. This will open the Webalizer page, where you can select the domain you want to analyze.
  3. Choose Your Domain
    Select the domain or subdomain on which you want to get information. Every domain you own will have a unique set of information. Select the domain of your choosing by clicking the 'View' button next to it. This allows that domain's Webalizer statistics page to open.
  4. Understand the Webalizer Report
    The Webalizer report is divided into several sections, each providing different types of information about your website’s traffic.
    1.  Monthly Statistics: At the top of the page, you’ll see a summary of the traffic for each month. This includes the total number of hits, files, pages, visits, sites, and kilobytes (KB) transferred.
    2. Daily Statistics: Below the monthly statistics, you’ll find a detailed daily breakdown. This shows the traffic for each day of the month.
    3. Hourly Statistics: You may also view traffic for each hour of the day. This helps you understand what times of day your site is most active.
    4. Top URLs: This section lists the most popular pages on your site. It shows how many times each page was visited.
    5. Top Entry and Exit Pages: These sections list the pages that users most commonly use to enter and exit your website.
    6. Top Referrers: The websites that drive traffic to your website are displayed in this section of the report. Social media, search engines, and other websites that refer usersare included.
    7. Leading User Agents: You can find out the operating systems and browsers your visitors are using in this section.
  5.  Analyze the Data
    Use the information provided in each section to understand your website’s traffic patterns. For
    1. Monthly and Daily Statistics can help you identify trends in your traffic over time.
    2. Hourly Statistics can show you the best times to post new content or run promotions.
    3. Top URLs can help you see which content is most popular with your visitors.
    4. Top Referrers can show you where your traffic is coming from, helping you focus your marketing efforts.

By following the methods outlined above, you can quickly navigate the Webalizer report and receive information that can assist you in improving your website and attracting new users.
