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10. How to Set Up Metrics Editor in cPanel?

The Metrics Editor in cPanel allows you to customize how various statistics are collected and displayed for your website.Using this tool, you can customize the data you view to better suit
your needs.. Here’s a simple guide on how to set up the Metrics Editor in cPanel.

  1. Log in to cPanel
    Ensure you are logged into your cPanel account. Once you're logged in, you will see the main cPanel dashboard with various icons and options.
  2. Go to the "Metrics" section by scrolling down on the cPanel dashboard. This section contains various tools related to website statistics.Search for and select the "Metrics Editor" icon.
  3.  Select the Domain.
    After choosing the metrics Editor icon, you will be directed to a page where you may choose the domain for which you wish to set up measurements. Click on the domain name you wish to change.
  4. Customize Metrics Settings
    You will now see different options for customizing your metrics. These settings determine how data is collected and displayed for your selected domain.
    1.  Choose Metrics to Track: You can select which metrics you want to track for your domain. Common options include bandwidth usage, visitor counts, error logs, and more.
      Check or uncheck the boxes next to each metric to include or exclude them from tracking.
    2. Set Data Collection Preferences: Some metrics allow you to set preferences for how data is collected. For example, you might be able to specify the frequency of data collection or set thresholds for alerts. Adjust these settings as needed.
    3.  Save Your Settings: Save Your Settings: Check for a "Save" or "Apply" option at the bottom of the page after adjusting the metrics to your preference. Click the button tosave your changes.
  5. Review and Analyze
    Once you’ve set up your metrics, you can start reviewing and analyzing the data collected. Return to the "Metrics" section of cPanel to access tools like AWStats, Webalizer, or the Raw
    Access Logs to view your customized statistics.
  6. Adjust as Needed
    Your needs may change over time, so don’t hesitate to return to the Metrics Editor to adjust your settings. You can refine which metrics are tracked and how data is collected based on your ongoing analysis.
